Property Management
Mark Development Property Management operations has managed more than 25 rental projects on the islands of Oahu, Hawaii, and Kauai. We currently provide management services to 17 rental projects. Projects are typically equipped with an on-site resident manager and maintenance crew. Besides regular management duties, Mark Development also plans and implements all capital improvements for its projects. Mark Development’s property management staff has been trained and certified by the National Center for Housing Management (NCHM) and Spectrum, Inc.
MDI is computer automated in tenant and accounting information and is the only affordable housing property manager in Hawaii that is using the advanced BostonPost property management software as well as RealPage management software. MDI is on-line in submitting their HUD 50059, Tenant Certification forms, to the TRACS Central Processing Facility via high speed on line connection. All projects are or were subsidized under various Federal/State programs (FmHA 515, FmHA “Deep Subsidy”, FmHA/Section 8, HUD Section 8, HUD 236 and LIHTC programs).